It becomes more important to offer qaza namaz at that time when the farz namaz gets missed due to some reason. Qaza namaz is also a ritual like offering namaz at that time. Its intention is also done in the same way. It is just that some special things have to be kept in mind. Its details have been explained in the jail.
It is difficult to say that the qaza namaz is offered from the heart and it can also be offered through tongue. The real thing in intention is the intention of the heart. Similarly, saying it with tongue is also necessary so that the heart finds peace. But it is necessary to mention this thing in qaza namaz. Is this namaz qaza because after the time has passed, namaz is offered in this way.
Intention method:
The qaza of the holy prayer is obligatory on four rak’ahs, the intention is yours.
1.First of all, make the intention from the heart and the intention in the heart. I am praying the Qaza prayer for Allah. My face is towards the Holy Mosque.
2.Make an intention with your tongue. I pray the Qaza prayer for the sake of Allah. My heart is turned towards the Holy Mosque.
Short tips:
- It is not necessary to mention the time in the intention, such as what time you are praying, but if it is during the day, it is important to keep it in mind.
- Even if the intention is not made with the tongue, the prayer is valid, because the intention is the intention of the heart.
2.The method of Qaza Namaz:
The method of Qaza Namaz of Zuhr is similar to that of Zuhr, only there is a slight difference in its intention, if the prayer is missed due to any reason, then it should be repaid, its details have been explained in the jail
The number of rak’ahs of namaz:
The qaza of the holy prayer is only of 4, Praying a rak’ah the qaza of the sunnah prayer is not mandatory
1.Complete method of performing prayer:
First rak’ah:
Takbir Tahrima: Raise both hands up to the ears and say “اللہ اکبر”, then fold your hands on your chest.
Surah Fatiha: Read “الحمد للہ رب العالمین…”
Additional Surah: After Surah Fatiha, recite any other Surah Like “قل هو الله أحد…”
Bow down: and say (3 times) “سبحان ربی العظیم“
Stay: Rise from your bow and say “سمع اللہ لمن حمدہ، ربنا لک الحمد”۔
Prostration: Go into prostration and say (3 times) “سبحان ربی الاعلی”
Meeting: Sit down and then do the second prostration.
Second rak’ah:
Proceed as in the first rak’ah.
After the second prostration, sit down and recite. “التحیات…”
It is necessary to complete the third round.
The third and fourth rak’ahs:
Surah Fatiha should be recited in these rak’ahs as well, but there is no need to recite any additional surahs.
After the fourth rakaat after the second prostration Qadh finally Sitting.
Last session:
Read “التحیات…”
Recite Durood Sharif “اللہم صل علی محمد…”
Read the prayer “ربنا آتنا فی الدنیا…”
The prayer is complete when the right side and the left side are the sides of the prayer. السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ”۔“
Important instructions:
Pray the qaza namaz with humility and submissiveness.
- If there are more prayers missed, then offer the prayer with Configuration as you did the first prayer and then do Asar.
- After praying the missed prayers, ask Allah for forgiveness and ask for the ability to pray on time.
3.Important things:
It is important to understand these aspects of the Qada prayer so that you can perform the prayer correctly and with proper preparation. They are explained in detail in the following.
1.The Sharia ruling on making up prayers:
- Reason for making up prayers:
A missed prayer occurs when it is not performed at the appointed time. It is obligatory according to Sharia law and should be performed as soon as possible.
- Assumption:
Qada prayer is just as obligatory as the prayer performed on time.
2.What is the rakat of the qaza prayer in Zuhr?
- In the Qaza Namaz of the Zircon only four rakaat namaz is offered.
- It is not obligatory to make up for sunnah (confirmed or non-confirmed) and nafl prayers.
3.The importance of intention:
- In Qada’ prayer, the intention is made from the heart. It is also obligatory to do it with the tongue. However, people generally make the intention in Qada’ prayer with the heart.
- But it is important to mention in prayer that you are praying a missed prayer.
4.Time for missed prayers:
- Qada prayers can be performed at any time except during the repeated times.
1.Sunrise is the time of the sun.
2.When the sun is overhead.
3.The sun is setting, and the time is right.
5.Arrangement of missed prayers:
- If certain prayers are missed, they must be prayed in order, such as the prayers of Zuhr and Asar.
- If it is the time for the current prayer, the order of the missed and current prayer will be something like this:
1.Prayer for the remission of Zuhr.
2.Prayer of the present Asar.
6.Making up prayers during makruh times:
- It is forbidden to offer missed prayers during makruh times, but if you do not offer the missed prayers quickly, there is a risk of further delay, so offer them immediately after the makruh time.
7.Repeatedly performing missed prayers:
- If a person has missed several prayers, it is obligatory on him to make them up.
- Make it a habit to pray the missed prayers along with your current prayers every day so that they can be completed quickly.
8.Prayer after qaza namaz:
It is recommended to repent and ask Allah for forgiveness after making up the missed prayers. (Dua: “O Allah! Grant me the ability to perform the prayers on time and accept the missed prayers.”)
9.Further guidance regarding missed prayers:
- It is important to take missed prayers seriously, because prayer is the pillar of religion.
- Perform missed prayers quickly and do not be lazy in doing so.
- If for some reason you cannot remember how many missed prayers you have made, estimate and perform them accordingly.